Visual studio hotkeys and tricks
Visual studio hotkeys and tricks

The obvious place to start is " AutoHotkey Beginner Tutorial" in the official documentation. You'll find many tutorials spread around the Internet, but not all are created equal, and I found quite a few that used outdated script formats. In addition, many AutoHotKey tutorials attempt to cover too many features initially, making the learning process akin to mastering a new programming language. While AutoHotKey can be incredibly powerful once you understand the extensive capabilities of its macro language and deep integration with the OS, those "anything's possible" capabilities make for a steep initial learning curve.

visual studio hotkeys and tricks

So let's take a step back and cover some of the basics first. This is a seriously sophisticated tool, and you can quickly find yourself deep in the weeds. Or, going the other way, you can call AutoHotKey scripts from external code including C#, Visual Basic, VBScript and VBA. In addition, you can use AutoHotKey to call into DLLs, access memory addresses, interact with COM objects and more. AutoHotKey can also parse data feeds, and you can even create graphical interfaces to accept input for your scripts.

visual studio hotkeys and tricks

Some more advanced capabilities of AutoHotKey include scripting keystrokes, menu selections, and mouse actions, which you might use for, say, GUI testing. In practice, many people use AutoHotKey for tasks such as text expansion, mapping keys and mouse clicks to shortcuts or other actions, and launching programs.

visual studio hotkeys and tricks

Technically, AutoHotKey is a scripting language and interpreter that enables you to automate actions within Windows and installed actions. Let's take a look at how this amazing tool works and get a taste of how it might simplify aspects of your daily development tasks. In the Windows world, one automation tools reigns supreme: AutoHotKey. Many of them are quite polished and highly capable within their respective niches. The Mac OS world has a wide selection of keyboard automation and text expansion tools to choose from, each of which typically specializes in providing a specific niche of macro or automation functionality. I should write a program automating it!"? How many times have you said to yourself, "I spend a lot of time on this task. And I'd bet programmers know this better than anyone, because automating tasks is both free (discounting employer cost of automation "R&D" time) and, often, curiously challenging.

visual studio hotkeys and tricks

Anyone who's had to perform the same mindless task over and over - or mindlessly forgot to perform an important-but-tedious task correctly - knows the value of automation.

Visual studio hotkeys and tricks